Daniela is the President of AAFBR – The Romanian Association of Financial and Banking Analysts. She is a Senior Associate within the Valuation, Modeling and Economics subservice line of PwC Romania, being involved in business valuation, state-aid assistance, independent business review, impact studies and assistance in mergers and acquisitions.
She has 16 years of experience in capital market and advisory, out of which more than 12 years in analysis of private and public companies including market-based approach and the income approach in various sectors of activity. Also, starting 2019 she is a lecturer for the CEFA qualification offered by EFFAS & AAFBR.
She is the holder of the Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) – EFFAS and a member of ANEVAR (Romanian Association of Certified Valuators), being a certified valuator specialized in business valuation.