Adrian Codirlașu, PhD, CFA
Vice-President of CFA Romania and AAFBR, Member of ACI Romania
Adriana Lobdă, MABPD, FCCA
Founding member, Envisia – Boards of Elite
Andrew Kakabadse
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Envisia – Boards of Elite, President of the Director's Forum Henley Business School, member of Thinkers50
Gabriela Hârțescu, PhD
Dean, Member of The Board, Envisia – Boards of Elite
Carmen Micu, EMBA, MABPD, MEng
Founding member and CEO, Envisia Boards of Elite | Chair of the Board IASE Global
Chris Ansell, CFA
International Consultant in Investor Relations and Equity Markets
Mirela Păunescu, Phd, FCCA, CIA
Mihai Purcărea, CFA
CEO & President of the Board of BRD Asset Management, Member in AAF Board of Directors, Board Member of CFA Society Romania
Narcisa Oprea
Program Coordinator "Corporate Governance That Creates Value", Envisia – Boards of Elite; Partner - Schoenherr
Flavia Popa
Secretary General, BRD – Groupe Societe Generale
Filipe Morais
Professor of Governance and Reputation, Henley Business School and Partner at AMROP
Radu Hanga
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bucharest Stock Exchange
Diana Stafie
Foresight Strategist, Founder of Future Station
Simona Pirtea
Managing Partner, Pirtea si Asoc.
Daniela Serban
Chair ARIR
James MacGregor, PhD
Sustainability Leader, International Consultant
Stefan Bucataru, ICD.D, CMC, MBA
Corporate Director, Veldtster Management and Consulting
Aurelia Costache
AI & Data Leader, EY in Romania
Course Outline
1. Legal framework and governance structures
- Board types and member categories
- Roles and responsibilities of Board members - individual and collective
- Advisory Boards - benefits for companies
2. Board Committees: specific roles and responsabilities
- Processes and working procedures
- Nomination and remuneration committee
- Audit Committee
3. General Secretary - role and attributions
4. Responsibilities and liabilities
- Delegation of authority process
- Legal civil liability insurance of managers (D&O Policy)
5. Remuneration
- Remuneration policy
- Remuneration long term plan (Stock Option Plan - SOP)
1. Financial reporting for listed companies and Board responsibilities
2. Board responsibilities according to the EU regulations and directives (CSRD, DueDiligence) and ISO 37000
3. Privileded information and market abuse
4. Investors' relations - how we tell our story
1. Risk Management
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Strategic Risk
- Governance Models ISO 31000 vs COSO
- Risk identification, evaluation and mitigation models
- Value creation mitigation models
2. Key Financial Decisions for Boards
- Financial performance
3. Sustainability and ESG Strategy
- Principles of sustainable development
- Good governance - ESG implementation imperative
4. Digital Transformation
- Debating session for case studies
5. Company listing as a strategic option. Stages of the listing process.
- Listing strategies for companies
- Analysis of the capital market in Romania
6. Value Creation
- The Role of the Supervisory Board / Board in Creating and Developing the Strategy
- Responsibilities of the Board in relation to company strategy: Broadening the Oversight Strategy
- Creating Strategic Options: Foresight and Long Term Value Creation.
7. Debating Session for Case Studies
1. Evaluation of Board / Supervisory Board activity and performance - attitude, behavior and competences
2. Relationship between the Board abd the CEO
1. Ideal candidate; Interview preparation
2. Assessment of the Board and Executive Team
3. Succession Plan at Board level
Total number of hours in the program: 50
Assesment Process
The evaluation at the end of the programme consists in a simulation of a board meeting. The evaluation commission will include 3-5 board members from: Envisia – Boards of Elite, the Bucharest Stock Exchange and other representative authorities and institutions.
Course & assesment timeline
Attendance requirements
- At least 85% (min. 44 hours)
- Final assessment: A board meeting simulation
The evaluation at the end of the programme consists in a simulation of a board meeting. The evaluation commission will include 3-5 board members from: Envisia, Bucharest Stock Exchange and other representative authorities and
- When: 16th May 2025
- Graduation Ceremony: 29th May 2025
Application Process
Entry requirements
- A good BA degree (or equivalent) or a Master’s degree
- Organisational leadership/board experience, or at least three years’ senior management experience with board-level access
- One referral from a Board of Director’s level or top management
- Access to a live board-level governance challenge
Enrolment process outline
- Fill in the Application Form (online)
- Upload Your CV in English (in the Application)
- Copy/scan of the official qualification diploma / certificate transcript in English
- Enrolment closing period: 3rd March 2025
- Start of the Programme: 6th March 2025
About course
Effective Board Director Programme raises awareness on the understanding of the corporate governance law & practice in a national and international context. While the programme is designed for companies listed or prepared to be listed, it is also suited to Directors in financial institutions. The program is developed by Envisia and Bucharest Stock Exchange.
Why join?
- Join a local network of directors. Enrolling in our programme you will be part of a community of highly skilled professionals and board members from listed companies and companies acting in capital markets.
- Get access to an elite Expertise Center that fosters your professional excellence and personal development.
- Learn from experts. Our faculty are thought leaders and recognised experts in the field of corporate governance and leadership.
Who should join?
- Board Members from listed companies, companies aimed at accessing the capital market, other actors of the capital market
- Representatives of the executive management/C-level positions: General Managers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Operating Officers, etc. and any management position that interacts with board directors
- Advisory Board Members
- Board members in family entrepreneurial businesses
- Investors
- Company General Secretaries
- Professionals/ Consultants working closely with the boards of big companies and listed companies and that aspire to get a board position: financial analysts, lawyers, tax specialists.
- Experienced board members wishing to keep up to date with the global and national information and trends needed to fulfill their mandate for this position
The Effective Boards Director Programme helped me understand the mechanisms of an accelerated and responsible development of a company and implicitly of the leader in me.
Dr. Anca Mitu
Non-executive member of the board of directors of some national companies & Advisor to the CEO Transgaz
The Effective Boards Director Programme is part of BVB’s strategy to support education for the local capital market stakeholders.
Radu Hanga
President BVB