Course Outline

There is no doubt that the commitment to the ESG strategy is a key opportunity for companies and financial institutions to ensure their survival and future growth, as well as their adaptation to the new international regulations and best practices.

This is why, Envisia has made great efforts to provide professionals who want to develop in the ESG area with up to date international certification and guidance. Starting 2020, Envisia is a founding member of IASE International Certifications Body - the International Association for Sustainable Economy, the first Association in the world that will certify professionals in the field of ESG. More, Envisia supports and promotes the entire IASE certification process of training and examination and mediates it for Romanian professionals and companies, as well as for those in CEE. 

IASE qualifications are quality-assured and supported by relevant learning outcomes. IASE qualifications are flexible, allowing you to create a learning pathway to suit your needs.
Only candidates who meet our internationally benchmarked 4-E certification standards are awarded these designations: 




Application Process

IASE recognizes 3 levels of proficiency. Thus, the levels represent a career progression path for the ESG and sustainability practitioners. IASE offers these professionals training sessions for each level - delivered by Exponential Education, to better prepare for certification examination - through IASE.

Training Timeline for 2025

Level I - Advisor

Level II - Specialist

Examination Timeline for 2025

Level I - Advisor

Level II - Specialist




About course

About IASE

IASE – International Association for Sustainable Economy is the only international certification body dedicated exclusively to all professionals in the field of ESG. Headquartered in London, UK, the IASE represents the sustainability profession globally regarding standard-setting, and advocates on behalf of the profession to international organisations, governments, businesses, non-governmental organisations and civil society. In addition to ensuring compliance with best practice and certification standards it sets globally, IASE also provides the most relevant knowledge and resources in supporting and protecting the evolving public interest. 
IASE counts 40+ members, national associations across 5 continents (other national associations are in process of adherence). Envisia – Boards of Elite is one of the founding members!

IASE role and certifications

IASE’s role is more relevant than ever, being the first and only association worldwide that aspires to certify the entire population pyramid in terms of ESG with a holistic approach, and with three levels of certification, both for the financial sector, International Sustainable Finance ISF® and a second for the rest of the sectors, International Sustainable Business ISB®. 
Whilst the ISF® designation is suited for ESG and Sustainability practitioners who work in the field of finance (e.g. banking, insurance, micro finance, wealth management, accounting, treasury management), the ISB® designation is suited for ESG and Sustainability practitioners who work in all other non-finance related fields of business. 

Each IASE designation recognizes 3 levels of proficiency. Thus, the levels represent a career progression path for ESG and sustainability practitioners with:
Level 1 - Advisor representing Foundation Level, 
Level 2 - Specialist representing Intermediate Level and 
Level 3 - Expert representing the Advanced Level (to be released).

International Sustainable Finance ISF® Syllabi
Level I - Find the syllabus here
Level II - Find the syllabus here

International Sustainable Business ISB® Syllabi
Level I - Find the syllabus here
Level II - Finda the syllabus here 

International Sustainable Finance ISF® Target Group
Level I – Advisor/Foundation:  Any professional in financial services who needs to understand how a financial institution is impacted by the new rules on ESG and what are the opportunities and requirements in that shifting market & non-market conditions in today’s world. 
Level II – Specialist/Intermediate: Specialists in Investment and Risk Management and any professional with an interest or responsibility in the areas of ESG. Specific titles and functions that are of relevance include: ESG Management Strategies, ESG Implementation in the Financial Sector, ESG Disclosure Management Regulatory and Economic Capital, Finance and Treasury, Lending, Risk, Regulation & Compliance, Internal Control, Audit, Financial Institutions Advisory, Bank Supervision and Regulation, Sustainable Financial Stability and Economic Analysis etc. It is also suitable for personnel working in front or back offices and adjacent roles, such as: sales and distribution, product development, financial advice, consulting, investor relations etc.   

International Sustainable Business ISB® Target Group
Level I – Advisor/Foundation:  Any professional in business sector (private or public) who needs to understand how a company is impacted by the new rules on ESG and what are the opportunities and requirements in that shifting market & non-market conditions in today’s world. 
Level II – Specialist/Intermediate: Specific titles and functions that are of relevance include: ESG Management Strategies, ESG Implementation in the Business Sector, ESG Disclosure Management Regulatory and Economic Capital, Corporate Sustainability, Finance and Treasury, Risk, Regulation & Compliance, Internal Control, Audit, Sustainable Economic and Financial Stability, Business/Economic Analysis etc. It is also suitable for personnel working in adjacent roles, such as: sales and distribution, product development, consulting, investor relations etc.   


Life-Long Learning